Ocean City is a community that encourages the involvement of the public in a variety of commissions and boards. Over 200 volunteers give of their time to assist the City to make informed decisions. There are a number of ad-hoc committees that are formed from time to time to address specific issues or program. Listed below are those commissions and boards that are incorporated into the municipal code.
The following sections describe the purpose of each Board / Commission, membership, current members, contact information and links to agendas / minutes.
Student Liaisons:
Sustainable Business Practices (Oct. 16, 2024 Presentation)
Ocean City's Back Bays: Past, Present and Future (Nov. 10, 2022 Presentation)
How to Make a Butterfly Garden (April 6, 2023 at Ocean City Free Public Library)
Purpose : This council develops, endorses, sponsors and provides information on community health and fitness activities to encourage wider participation in good health practices.
Membership: Up to twenty (20) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council. Appointments are for three year terms.
Kathy Quinn
Brielle Wray
Lisa Walsh
Erica Schaffer
Karen Clemens
Rosemary Kates
Denise Kossuth
Christine Franckle
Ava Mumman
Purpose: It is the responsibility of the Commission to:
a. Identify, record and maintain a system to survey and inventory all building sites, places, landmarks and structures of historical or architectural significance, based on the 'Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation' and Guidelines for Identification) and to aid the public in understanding their worth, methods of preservation, techniques of gathering documentation and related matters;
b. Make recommendations to the Planning Board and City Council in the preparation and periodic updating of the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan;
c. Make recommendations to the Planning Board and City Council on the historic preservation implications of any plan element of the Master Plan which has been or may be adopted;
d. Recommend to the City Council sites and districts to be designated as part of the local historic district;
e. Advise the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment on development and zoning applications for properties in the local historic district;
f. Review all permit applications affecting the designated historic district and sites, and provide written reports to the Administrative Officer;
g. Provide advisory, educational, and informational services to promote historic preservation in the City;
h. Draft and recommend to City Council and the Planning Board ordinances or amendments to existing ordinances that would resolve any conflicts which may exist between the design standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance and the building or zoning regulations of the City;
i. Advise City Council and the Planning Board on the relative merits of proposals involving public funds to restore, preserve and protect historic buildings, places and structures including the preparation of long range plans therefore, securing State, Federal and other grants and aid to assist therein and to monitor such projects once underway;
j. Advise and assist City officers, employees, Boards and other bodies including those at the County, State and Federal levels on all matters which have potential impact on the historic buildings, places,
structures and districts in the City or on the physical character and ambience of a district;
k. To cooperate with local, County, State or National historical societies, governmental bodies and organizations to maximize the contributions to the intent and purposes of historic preservation;
l. To recommend to applicable County, State and Federal agencies, where appropriate, and with City Council approval recognition of historic districts;
m. To recommend to applicable County, State and Federal agencies, where appropriate, recognition of historic buildings, landmarks, places and structures and to review National Register nominations;
n. To request the City Council to seek on its motion or otherwise injunctive relief for violations of the historic preservation provisions of the local zoning ordinate.
Membership: The commission consists of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternates appointed by the Mayor.
Terms: Two (2), three (3) or four (4) years.
Robert Williams (12/31/25)
S. John Loeper (Chair Person) (12/31/24)
Nicholas Marotta (12/31/24)
Ken Cooper (Vice-Chair) (12/31/24)
Marian Talese (12/31/24)
Maryann Pionegro-Smith (12/31/24)
Dean Chorin (Alternate I) (12/31/24)
Jeffrey Frost (Alternate II) (12/31/24)
Mark Stein, Commission Attorney
Terri Ney, Recording Secretary
All meetings are held at 6 p.m. Please check agenda for meeting location.
The Ocean City Housing Authority is an independent body responsible for the ownership and management of Public Housing in OceanCity in accordance with state and federal guidelines. The OCHA has as its mission to provide decent and affordable housing in a safe and secure living environment for low and moderate-income residents of OceanCity.
There are different types of units for different needs such as seniors, disabled, and families. For seniors and those who are disabled, there are efficiency and one bedroom units and for families there are units that range from two to four bedrooms. The OCHA is responsible for Pecks Beach Village Housing and Bay View Manor.
For those feeling they need the assistance of the Ocean City Housing Authority, applications can be picked up and dropped off during normal business hours at the OCHA Administration Office. Please note that the Ocean City Housing Authority has no Section 8 Voucher Program offerings.
The OCHA Administration Office Hours of Operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The office is closed on local, state, and federal holidays.
The OCHA Board of Commissioners are responsible for the oversight of finances and policies. The Board of Commissioners usually meet on the third Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7:00 pm in the community room at Bay View Manor, 635 West Ave., Ocean City. The Board Meetings are open to the public.
Board Members:
Patricia Miles-Jackson (12/31/28)
Robert Henry (12/31/26)
Robert Barr (12/31/28)
Brian Broadley (12/31/27)
Patrick Mumman (12/31/24)
Scott Halliday (12/31/25)
Beverly McCall (2/2/25)
Harry Furman, Solicitor
Contact Information:
Housing Authority
204 Fourth Street
Ocean City, New Jersey 08226
Phone: 609-399-1062
Fax: 609-399-7590
Purpose: Governs and oversees the operations of the Ocean City Free Public Library in accordance with N.J.S.A 40:54-9.
Membership: Nine (9) members consisting of seven (7) local citizens plus the Mayor and Superintendent of Schools or their designees. Citizen members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council.
President — Jennifer Shirk
Vice President — Fred Marcell
Treasurer — Dr. Constance Pritchard
Secretary — Ron Denney
Lauren Cowden
Michael Dattilo
Anne Guy
Terrence Crowley, Interim Superintendent of Schools
Jay Gillian, Mayor (or representative Michael Allegretto)
Library Board of Trustees Meeting Calendar
Library Board Agendas and Minutes
Contact Information:
Karen Mahar
Library Director
1735 Simpson Avenue
Ocean City NJ 08226
Purpose: To oversee and administer the pension system for members of the Ocean City Beach Patrol.
Membership: Four (4) members consisting of one (1) senior officer of the beach patrol, one (1) lifeguard, and two (2) Ocean City citizens. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.
Terms: Four (4) years.
Frank Donato (Chairman) (12/31/27)
Edward Keenan Jr. (12/31/26)
Brian Pasternak (12/31/24)
Calvin Peck (12/31/25)
MEETING DATES: On as a needed basis.
City Meeting Calendar
Contact Information:
Frank Donato, FDonato@ocnj.us
861 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City NJ 08226
Purpose: To oversee the administration and operations of the Municipal Welfare Office in accordance with state regulations and advise the City on other social service issues.
Membership: Five (5) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council.
Terms: One (1) or two (2) year terms.
Joyce Bakley-Trofa
Ann Gallagher
Susan Clark
Vickie Scheetz
John D Dower (Chairman)
Contact Information:
Samantha Kurtz-Seif (SKurtz-Seif@ocnj.us)
861 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City NJ 08226
Purpose: This committee, in partnership with Upper Township’s Municipal Alliance Committee, works on community and school based programs aimed at educating citizens and school children about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. The committee sponsors and supports a number of programs in both communities promoting alternative activities and awareness of the problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse.
Background: Ocean City’s Municipal Alliance Committee was established in 1990 following state legislation that created the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse along with an Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. Municipal committees that formed were encouraged to involve community leaders, municipal employees, educators, clergy and other citizens. The merging of Ocean City’s and Upper Township’s committees occurred in 2004 and created the opportunity to more effectively administer the programs, especially considering that children from both communities attend Ocean City High School, and high school years are a time of elevated risk.
Prevention Programs: A Needs Assessment was conducted in 2004 to determine the most significant risk factors for children trying alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD). Five risk factors were identified enabling committee members to create prevention programs to address these most critical areas. The Assessment also indicated that children with strong family ties were less likely to try ATOD, so many of the prevention programs aim to unite and educate children and parents. Programs include Safe Homes where parents are educated about the dangers of underage drinking and drug use at private house parties, Hooked on Fishing where parents of 5th grade students spend an evening of fun and education with their child followed by a morning fishing trip, and Family and Youth Activities that include family skate nights, school or community dances, church youth groups, and more.
Other prevention programs aim to build the self esteem of children in the communities, highlight alternative activities so children will not have a need to fill a void with ATOD, and pair children with seniors. Additionally, there is a peer to peer leadership program, an Ocean City High School SCAT (Student Coalition Against Tobacco), an Intergenerational Club at the elementary school level, and Red Ribbon Week that is a nationally recognized week-long series of ATOD awareness events featuring school assemblies, school theme days, and community events. The Municipal Alliance Committee is also a financial sponsor of After Prom.
Membership: Up to twenty-one (21) members appointed by the Mayor.
Terms: Appointments are for one (1) year terms.
Bob Blevin (Chair Person)
Mike Dattilo
Mark Bruesehoff
Jennifer Elias
Lauren Sacs
All meetings are held quarterly at the Upper Township Municipal Hall Conference Room. 2100 Tuckahoe Road., Tuckahoe, NJ at 7:00 PM.
Purpose: In accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, the Planning Board is directly and exclusively authorized to exercise power with regard to:
1. The adoption of the Master Plan.
2. Subdivision control and site plan review
3. Recommendations as to the official map.
4. Conditional use applications.
5. Recommendations as to the zoning ordinance and amendments thereto.
6. The capital improvement program.
In addition, the planning board participates in preparation and review of programs or plans required by state or federal law or regulations. Their work often includes assembling data on a continuing basis as part of a continuing planning process. The board may perform such other advisory duties as assigned to aid and assist the governing body or other agencies or officers of the City.
Membership: Members consist of the Mayor, a municipal official appointed by the Mayor, a member of City Council appointed by the Council, and six citizen members plus two alternates appointed by the Mayor. Appointments are for four year terms for Regular Members and two (2) year terms for Alternate Members.
John Loeper (Chair) ( 12/31/26)
Gary Jessel (Vice-Chair) (12/31/27)
Dean Adams (12/31/28)
Joseph Sheppard (12/31/28)
Matthew Vanderschuere (12/31/28)
John Birch (12/31/28)
Vince Bekier (Municipal Liaison)
Sean Barnes (City Council Liaison)
Michael Allegretto (Mayor's Designee)
Shannon Halliday (Alternate I, 12/31/26)
Teric Stell (Alternate II, 12/31/26)
Gary Griffith, Solicitor, Griffith and Carlucci
David Scheidegg, Engineer, Schaffer Nassar Scheidegg
Randall E. Scheule, Planner, Scheule Planning Solutions
Jaime M. Felker, Secretary, 609-399-6111 ext. 9733
All meetings are held at 6:00 PM. Please check agenda for meeting location. This schedule is subject to change when and if changes are necessary.
MEETING DATES: First and second Wednesdays of each month. City Meeting Calendar
Planning Board Rules and Regulations (including public comment)
Contact Information:
Jaime Felker
609.399-6111 x9733
115 E 12th Street
Ocean City NJ 08226
Purpose: The Shade Tree Committee is involved with the regulation, planting, planning and care of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery on any public street, park or property in Ocean City.
Membership: The committee consists of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. All appointments are for four (4) year terms.
J. Michael Lehman, Jr (Vice-Chariman) (12/31/26)
Donna Moore (12/31/26)
Joshua Linthicum (12/31/24)
Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Chairman) (12/31/24)
Mary Louise Hayes (12/31/25) TheShadeTree_SepOct2024_compressed.pdf
Marie Knight (12/31/24)
Sandra Simpson (12/31/27)
Steve Longo (City Representative)
'THE SHADE TREE': A Bimonthly Bulletin Devoted to New Jersey's Shade Trees
Purpose: To promote tourism on behalf of the City of Ocean City through assisting the City with appropriate advertising and promotional literature.
Membership: The Commission consists of four (4) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council. Appointments are for two year terms. Membership also includes one City Council Member for term of office.
Sally Huff, Recording Secretary
William McGinnity (12/31/24)
Carol Frank (12/31/25)
Danielle Guerriero (12/31/24)
Burton Wilkins (12/31/25)
Peter Madden (12/31/26)
All meetings are held at 9 AM in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Purpose: To interact and communicate with utility organizations including but not limited to those providing Ocean City with electric , gas , water, sewer and cable television, as well as municipal utility authorities, for the purposes of advising the City Council of issues of public importance concerning rate schedules, service and other related subjects.
Membership: Eleven (11) members appointed by the City Council.
Terms: Four (4) years.
Clark Pierce (12/31/25)
Martin Mozzo Jr., (Vice Chairman, Secretary) (12/31/24)
John Quinn (Chairman) (12/31/27)
Donna Sannuti (12/31/26)
Brian Hartley (12/31/27)
Ronald DiChristofaro (12/31/24)
Stephen Cole (12/31/24)
Richard Bernardini (12/31/24)
Joe Clark - Administration Representative
Pete Madden - Council Liaison
All meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday at 9:00 AM. Please check agenda for meeting location.
Do Not Flush Sanitizing Wipes (January 2025)
Videos on Curbside Recycling Guidelines (January 2025)
Video of Presentation on Water and Wastewater Utilities and Rates (Oct. 23, 2023)
Video of Presentation on Shutdown of 3G Network (Oct. 24, 2022)
Read our updated FAQ on water utility bills (Sept. 1, 2022)
Ocean City Water and Wastewater Rate Information Flyer (Aug. 2022)
Verizon Offering Free 4G Devices for 3G Customers (July 13, 2022)
Verizon to Shut Down 3G Network and Send 4G Flip Phones to Customers (July 8, 2022)
View fact sheet on Atlantic City Electric's new Smart Energy Network (June 2022)
View FAQ on Atlantic City Electric's new Smart Meters
Understanding Your Water and Wastewater Bill (NJAW webinar video, May 12, 2022)
See Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority Presentation Slides (3-25-2021).
Read more FAQs from NJAW informational session (April 8, 2021)
View slides from NJAW informational presentation (April 8, 2021)
View slides from presentation on energy efficiency programs: Atlantic City Electric (Oct. 21, 2021)
View slides from presentation on energy efficiency programs: South Jersey Gas (Oct. 21, 2021)
View video of presentation on energy efficiency programs (Oct. 21, 2021)
Fact Sheet on Ocean City Water and Wastewater Rates (Oct. 2021)
Learn about programs to help you save energy and money with your gas service:
Purpose: In accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, the Zoning Board of Adjustment is responsible for:
1. Hearing appeals from decisions of an administrative official related to development applications.
2. Hearing applications for relief from provisions of the local zoning ordinance.
Membership: City Council appoints seven (7) Regular Members and two (2) Alternate Members. Regular Member appointments are four year terms and Alternate Member appointments are two year terms.
Michael Buck (Chairperson) (12/31/27)
Richard Waddell (Vice Chairperson) (12/31/27)
Ryan Price (12/31/25)
Peter Patrizzi (12/31/25)
Brian Geary (12/31/26)
Brian Logue (12/31/24)
Phillip "Jamie" DeMarco (12/31/24)
Robert Becker, Alternate I (12/31/24)
Maureen Schneider, Alternate II (12/31/26)
Mark H. Stein, Solicitor
Joseph Maffei, Planner/Engineer
Jaime M. Felker, Secretary
All meetings are held at 7:00 PM. Please check agenda for meeting location. This schedule is subject to change and will be advertised when and if changes are necessary.
Contact Information:
Jaime Felker, JFelker@ocnj.us
609.399.6111 ext 9733
115 E 12th Street
Ocean City NJ 08226