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The Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority (CMCMUA) is replacing/rehabilitating the force mains that carry wastewater to the treatment plant on the bay at 45th Street. The work will be on 31st Street from Haven Avenue to Bay Avenue; and Bay Avenue from 31st Street to Eighth Street.

Currently, the contractor's efforts are focused on the stretch of work between 10th and 11th Streets. This is the remaining segment where new 20" PVC pipe needs to be installed. As a result of the concentration of manpower, materials and equipment in the 12th through 9th Street work zone, the installation of temporary pavement in this area has been suspended. As a result, for this weekend (4/4 & 4/5), Bay Avenue will be open to local traffic only between 14th and 9th Streets, with all work areas and materials zoned off.

Other work that is scheduled to be done next week includes the installation of the valve vault on the property of the CMCMUA's 20th Street Pump Station with related pipe tie-in work, and the installation of vent piping that serves the concrete chambers that are distributed throughout the length of the project. Neither of these tasks will require traffic shutdowns. Traffic control will be handled with lane shifts.

Looking out longer term, it is expected that the new 20" PVC pipe will become operable by about mid-April, 2020. At that time, the slip-lining (of the existing DIP force main) phase of the project will begin. It is expected that the slip-lining work will extend to mid-June, 2020. It is not expected that large traffic detours will be required during the slip-lining phase of work and that traffic control will be handled via lane shifts.

See full project update.

Ocean City, New Jersey
861 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ 08226
(609) 399-6111 

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