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Public town hall meetings on Saturday (Oct. 19) will provide updates on Ocean City's bayside dredging plans and on island-wide flood mitigation plans. The dredging presentation is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. After a break to allow individual questions from the public with presenters, the flood-mitigation update will begin at 11 a.m. The meetings will be held at the Ocean City Tabernacle (550 Wesley Avenue). The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about these initiatives.

Representatives of ACT Engineers, including company founder Carol Beske, will join city team members in making the presentations. ACT administers Ocean City's bayside dredging program and is working on a Flood Mitigation and Drainage Master Plan.

Ocean City, New Jersey
861 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ 08226
(609) 399-6111 

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